Are you looking for another location in Portugal?
Freedom to plan your car rental route
RNTaCar offers over 20.000 locations worldwide. Also a wide choice in Portugal. RNTaCar has more locations than we highlighted. But they might be just the location you are looking for. In each country you can choose the easiest location to pick up and drop off your car. RNTaCar offers rental locations at the biggest airports, at train stations and city locations. You can choose to pick up your car at a different location then where you want to drop it off. Sometimes you have to pay one way fees, this is depending per country and location. You find out easily when you book. All costs are transparent and clearly visible. Here you find a full overview of all car rental locations in Portugal. So besides Faro, Lisbon and Porto you can rent a car in the cities below.
Contact us
Of course our customer service team is ready to help you planning the ideal route. Feel free to contact them. Enjoy your trip!